March 2024 High/Low

Expectations are the killer of joy

-Fr. Mike Schmitz

The first week of March was filled with work, running, nursing a disappointment, getting my hair braided and doing my best to see the good side of getting disappointed again.

The second week of March was filled with work, evening walks, getting back into my routine of doing Beginners Yoga & Beginners Pilates, budgeting, doctor’s appointments and working at a coffee shop while watching rain drops. I ended the weekend by going to the movies to see the movie “Cabrini.” Fun fact: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini is my patron saint. 

The third week of March started off with this gastro issue trying to ruin my day but I wouldn’t let it, work being overwhelming, dealing with headaches, and practicing my spring makeup routine.  Also, a kind stranger paid for my meal one Thursday evening. It was a nice gesture and he didn’t even say anything to me. It made my evening. A little reminder that humanity still exists and God love is everywhere, even in the mundane. I spent the weekend in Winston-Salem where I ran the Run St. Leo 5K, visited a local bookstore and attended Mass at St. Leo the Great Catholic Church. It was a nice weekend anyway despite my digestive issue attempts to make it a bad weekend.

The fourth week of March began with me receiving a good news which was welcome with excitement. It gave me hope. Then my digestive issue decided that I won't be having any peace this week. The week ended with me spending some quality time with Ms 29 at this event and then having brunch with her the following day. A lot of quality time in nature, running and walking. Then I found out that one of my heroes is just a flawed human being like all of us. 

Holy week was the final week of this month, Monday had me in a world wind still trying to process the negative news I found out on Palm Sunday. Tuesday and Wednesday went by so quickly. Holy Thursday was spent working and going to Mass. It was nice to be at Mass, I needed it even if I was surprised by a chance encounter. Good Friday was spent working and doing Station of the Cross at Church which was a blast. I’m glad I got a chance to participate in a couple Holy Week activities. 

Holy Saturday was spent at the park. First, I went uptown for a daybreak event at the First Ward Park. We did Yoga then went to brunch. I wasn’t impressed by the brunch food but I like spending quality time with my little sister. Then I went to run errands, then ended my day at my local park with a run and a picnic dinner. Easter came and ended an interesting 40 days of Lent. I spent it at the park after church enjoying the hot weather. 

St. Cabrini pray for us!



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