December 2023 High/Low

The end reveal what type of story we are looking at.

-Fr. Mike Schmitz

The last month of the year started off anti-climatic as ever. I’m truly blessed to have a healthy family, food, great best friend and a good job. 

The second week of December was spent working, trying to find time to run and adjusting to things. I ended the week traveling to Charleston, S.C to run the Reindeer Run 5k in downtown Charleston.

After the Reindeer Run in Charleston, I spent a week in my bestie's house. It was a peaceful week and I am eternally grateful to have a best friend like mine.

I came home to the same old things. Got back to the routines. I finished my Christmas shopping and prepared for the holiday season.

I got a chance to see my family over christmas, a walk in the park, attended mass and got the much needed rest I’ve been wanting. 

2022 was a horrible year for me. 2023 brought some punches and I made the decision to fight for my life. I pray that 2024 is better than any years I have experienced. 



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